Help prevent children from being born with birth defects and disabilities that can affect the rest of their lives. Your donation supports research through the National Birth Defect Registry and special services to parents who have children with birth defects. Over the past 5 years, 94 cents of every dollar donated has supported Birth Defect Research for Children’s registry research and parent services.
I support BDRC because..
BDRC stays out front in tracking relevant data on exposures to developmental toxins, provides sound and essential advice to policy makers, relates in a compassionate and effective way to affected individuals and their families, and fills a unique niche in social and health advocacy.
Stuart Newman
Role: Advisor
I have worked with Betty Mekdeci for years. The research that this organization has provided has proved that children whose parent’ veterans were exposed to toxic exposures are effected. The organization has been instrumental in helping our children and I look forward to our continued work to help our children. The B… Read more
I have worked with Betty Mekdeci for years. The research that this organization has provided has proved that children whose parent’ veterans were exposed to toxic exposures are effected. The organization has been instrumental in helping our children and I look forward to our continued work to help our children. The Birth Defects Registry is just outstanding and they need Americas Support.
Nancy S. Switzer
Past and Founding President of Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America
Role: Volunteer
Birth Defect Research For Children, Inc. has a long history of collecting invaluable registry data that has been fundamental to the identification of many environmental toxins associated with birth defects. Investigations dating back to the 1980’s, importantly including Agent Orange and Bendectin, have lead to policy c… Read more
Birth Defect Research For Children, Inc. has a long history of collecting invaluable registry data that has been fundamental to the identification of many environmental toxins associated with birth defects. Investigations dating back to the 1980’s, importantly including Agent Orange and Bendectin, have lead to policy changes to protect the health of the developing child. BDRC continues to stay out front in tracking relevant data on exposures to developmental toxins. In addition to their dedication to research and advocacy, BDRC provides parents with information about birth defects and support services for their children. This is well run charity deserving of your support.
Ann B.11
Role: Professional with expertise in this field
I have known and worked with Betty Mekdeci and the Association of Birth Defect Children since the early 1990’s. In my role as Executive Director of the New Jersey Agent Orange Commission, a state agency, we worked with Betty and her group to help establish a national registry of children of Vietnam Veterans. I was honore… Read more
I have known and worked with Betty Mekdeci and the Association of Birth Defect Children since the early 1990’s. In my role as Executive Director of the New Jersey Agent Orange Commission, a state agency, we worked with Betty and her group to help establish a national registry of children of Vietnam Veterans. I was honored to be with her when we jointly presented some of our data to the National Academy of Sciences in 1996.
Betty is the very definition of a professional. She is devoted to her work and has created an organization that is doing an incredibly important job.
I am honored to recommend Betty Mekdeci and her organization to anyone seeking their services.
William W. Lewis
Role: Professional with expertise in this field
I have contacted BDRC on many times over the years regarding my daughter. BDRC Director, has always been professional and thoughtful whenever I have talked with her on the phone or communicated by email. BDRC was there for me in my hour of need, just when I was feeling defeated and wanting to give up. As a result, I… Read more
I have contacted BDRC on many times over the years regarding my daughter. BDRC Director, has always been professional and thoughtful whenever I have talked with her on the phone or communicated by email. BDRC was there for me in my hour of need, just when I was feeling defeated and wanting to give up. As a result, I was able to continue advocating on behalf of my child even in the face of continuing adversity. I am forever grateful to BDRC for their support.
Role: Client Served
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