In the spring of 2012, a nurse in Washington State detected a cluster of babies born with anencephaly – a fatal condition in which infants are born without parts of the brain or skull. The resulting investigation initially confirmed a rate of anencephaly between January 2010 and January 2013 of 8.4 per 10,000 live births – more than four times the national average. As of November 2015, cases of anencephaly in Washington State have continued to increase, with the current rate estimated at 9.5 per 10,000 live births. While no distinct cause has yet been determined, neural tube defects-including anencephaly – are known to have multiple causes, including folic acid deficit, genetic variants in the folate pathway, and exposure to a variety of environmental and occupational toxins.1
The DOH initiated an investigation and has since discovered rising rates of Anencephaly in the Washington state counties of Benton, Yakima, and Franklin.
The investigation has thus far confirmed that there is a rise in NTDs (Neural Tube Defects), with a predominance of anencephaly. Their study did not specify the exact cause of this rise in these three counties (as compared to other areas).
Community resource center video
Services for communities with concerns about birth defects and developmental disabilities
How we can help you
Our new Resource Center offers your community a step-by-step plan to investigate concerns about potential increases in childhood disabilities. Read More
How we helped families in Dickson, Tennessee
We assisted the community of Dickson, Tennessee in identifying a cluster of cleft palate cases associated with a solvent (TCE) leaking into their water supply from an old landfill. Read More
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Do you believe there are too many birth defects or developmental disabilities in your community? We can help you investigate. Please fill the form below to get started.